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Springtime and emotions

Written By Worthington Wellness Center on April 9, 2024

Springtime has many particles in the air.  Pollen, mold, dusts, exctera can get inhaled into the nasal pasages and lungs.  If your body has difficulty with these external particles they can affect the lung and nasal mucosa.  Did you know this can also affect your emotions?

What can you do about it? Acupuncture is a great way to reset the body, by boosting immunity and moving energy in areas of stagnation, including emotions. We boost the qi (life force) of the lungs to promote immunity and wellness, and by doing so we also promote the "wei qi," or protective qi of the whole body. The lungs govern the wei qi, which essentially helps us ward off diseases and illness. You can boost your lung qi at home by drinking tea with ginger, lemon or mint. If your throat is sore, add some honey to your tea. You can use essential oils in a diffuser. Lavendar, lemon and peppermint are especially potent to fight against allergies. Also, always try to cover your neck, especially the back of the neck, to protect from wind, cold or moisture.  

Spring is also a time of strong liver emotions. As we move into the season of spring, you may find yourself feeling a surge of irritability, anger, or even depressed feelings.  If you are waking at 3am and feeling your mind racing or overthinking, this may be a sign of fulminant liver energy. The liver is the organ related to spring. The liver, at its best, is an agent of movement which facilitates the free coursing qi. A healthy liver will smooth out liver qi and areas of stagnation. What can you do about this? If your liver energy is particularly strong during the spring, you may need to get outside and exercise to release some of this energy.  Acupuncture is a powerful way to move liver qi and smooth out the rough edges of emotions. What can you do at home?  You can do acupressure at Liver 3, which is located at the webbing between the big toe and second toe. You may find this area to be puffy if your liver is stagnant. All of these practices will ultimately help you have more patience, feel better and have an easier time sleeping. 

Happy spring!

Posted In: Acupuncture